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Cinnamon Tea

Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a traditional Indian spice that is made from the internal bark of trees known as Cinnamomum. Its usage can be traced back to the Mughal Era, and that is the reason every Mughlai and Awadhi dish contains Cinnamon. Why Cinnamon is an Indian Superfood? Cinnamon is a superfood. This is not only because […]

Green Tea Production

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea! As the name indicates it makes our body green by eliminating the harmful fats. Being rich in antioxidants green tea stands as a healthy option for every fitness-oriented person. When we consume green tea in a regular way it provides positive health benefits towards weight loss. It is one of the healthiest and […]

Spices for Food Preservation

Spices for Food Preservation and Safety

 The Natural Way of Maintaining the Food Shelf Life Food is one of the basic necessities for every living being. Today, with the increased population and increased demand for various tastes of food, food industries are coming up with a countless number of meals ready to eat. However, if food is kept for a long […]


Top 10 Spices you can Buy in this Monsoon

Spices are the lifeline of any cuisine that you make. It will not be an exaggeration if we call spices the ‘Soul’ of our meal. Without spices, the food would become boring and bland. Tasteless food does not interest anyone, and the overall purpose of cooking loses its essence. There are thousands of spices available, […]

Whole spices from Kerala

Things to consider while purchasing spices online.

  Spices are very important for our life because we use spices in each and every item eats every day. These are nature’s gifts and are very important for healthy food and medicinal purposes.  Spices have a very significant role in our day to day life and in our cooking. Spices are important for a […]

Best quality spices from Kerala

If you are looking for the best quality spices online for the recipes you plan to try out the coming weekend, log on to and order the freshest spices you can ever get. They source their spices directly from the spice farmers from the spice-growing regions of Kerala.  It means that you can get […]


How to buy the fresh nutmeg online

We add spices to our food for their taste and piquancy. Little do we think of the benefits they have to our health. Over the years, new research findings are informing us of the benefits of cloves, nutmeg, pepper, turmeric and other spices that we use every day in while cooking. The ingredients in many […]

Black Pepper

The best black pepper bold online

There are dishes that need that extra zing, especially if it is a heavy meat preparation. Then the best way to make it taste heavenly is to add a dash of black pepper bold. Black pepper bold denotes the finest in pepper. It is the most premium quality you can access. Naturally, you can imagine the […]

buy spices Online

The best way to buy fresh spices from Kerala

Good food and festivals always go together. So when a festival season is fast approaching, you know that there is always going to be needed for fresh spices to make all the special dishes and curries you have planned for the holiday season. You are looking forward to great cooking and you know spices are going […]

Cardamom From Kerala

CARDAMOM Cardamom, (Scientific Name: Elettaria cardamomum (Linn.) and family: Zingiberaceae) popularly known as the “Queen of Spices” and is one of the most expensive spices in the world, due to its delicate aroma. In India, Kerala accounts for 60 % of the cultivation and production followed by Karnataka 30% and Tamil Nadu 105%. Common varieties […]

The best place to buy Almonds online

Nuts are God’s gift to mankind. They are rich in nutrients and are delicious. They enhance every cooking and they are loved by everyone including kids. Of all the nuts, Almonds are amongst the most loved. What most people don’t know are the major health benefits of consuming nuts on a regular basis. Almonds or […]

Buy fresh Kerala Cashew Nuts online

The cashew nuts that are slow-roasted and hand-processed in Kerala are believed to be the best in quality and the tastiest ever. However today, much of the process is taken over by semi-automated machines. Even then, the best cashews that can be enjoyed with relish are from Kerala. Cashews can be eaten any time one […]

Red chilly powder

Buy the best red chilly powder online

Indian cooking is never complete without red chilly powder. It is that pinch of spice that gives Indian curries its fiery tinge. The chilly powder is used in a whole lot of dishes – both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. It is used in gravies, omelets, sautéed vegetables, and a whole lot more. Chilly powders are spicy […]

cardamom powder

Enjoy cooking with the best cardamom powder

Most Indian homes have a ready stock of cardamom powder. But to have a ready stock is not an easy task if you have to buy the best cardamom and grind it to make the cardamom powder. Also, you have to grind it in small stocks that can last you for a couple of months. […]

Spices and Health Benefits

After years of cooking and making food for family and sometimes treating guests and friends, many people find that that is falling into a pattern. They find that they are repeatedly making their favorite recipes that have won accolades from all who tasted them. Maybe it is time to change the pattern a bit if […]


The magic of Allspice

The festivals are just around the corner, many families will be busy preparing for the celebrations. Some of you may be giving good thought as to what to give away as presents. So how about trying something new by gifting your friends and relatives fresh spices? You can check out the fresh offerings from […]

Buy Indian spices online

What sets Indian cuisine apart from the rest is flavor and aroma. No Indian curry gets made without a liberal sprinkling of some fresh spices. It is the combination of the spices that give each curry its distinctive taste. Consummate cooks can even give subtle twists to their tried and tested recipes by increasing or […]

Spices of South India

Spices of South India One of the interesting facts about Indian cooking is that there is a sort of divide between North Indian and South Indian cooking with regard to the use of spices. Of course, this difference also goes as far as the oil used is considered, with each region having its favorite oils. […]

Cooking with Bay Leaves this Christmas Season

Cooking with Bay Leaves this Christmas Season Bay leaves are excellent for making the stuffing to put within the chicken that you would be roasting for your Christmas feasts. It can be added to your Pilaf or Fried Rice and even to Biriyani. Cooking Pilaf and other rice dishes with Bay Leaves is an art […]

Spice Box

Special Spices Gift Boxes from Kerala

Special Spices Gift Boxes from Kerala   If there is one thing that every Indian kitchen cabinet should have, it is the Spices Box. Indian Spices Box, also called the ‘masala dabba’ is a one-piece box or a container with several small compartments filled with various spices which are commonly used in Indian cooking. A […]

Fresh nutmeg mace from Kerala

Fresh nutmeg mace from Kerala There are those who love nutmeg mace more than its cousin, the nutmeg. It is a lighter, more subtle, and sweeter-tasting spice than nutmeg. Nutmeg is the seed and mace is the surrounding red to deep orange covering of the nutmeg. Both have of course similar taste and flavor but […]

Delicious Vanilla-Tea from Kerala

Delicious Vanilla-Tea from Kerala What can be more heavenly than Vanilla-tea for those who love both tea and vanilla! The blend of these two flavors creates a healthful drink. The most advantageous benefit of Vanilla-tea is its stress-relieving property. The aroma of tea and vanilla combine in a subtle way to create something unique and […]

dry ginger

Best ways to use dried ginger

Best ways to use dried ginger Ginger, as we all know, is closely related to the turmeric, cardamom family. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is a rhizome – where the underground part of the stem is used as a spice. Ginger has for ages found a place in Ayurveda and traditional/alternative medicines. Ginger […]

White Tea

The best White Tea from Kerala

The best White Tea from Kerala The best quality of tea that you can ever get is White Tea!  The most delicate and the finest unopened buds of tea leaves and the first shoots plucked to become White Tea. It is also plucked from tea plants of the sub species – Camellia sinensis – that […]

Carrot halwa

How to buy tasty Carrot Halwa online

How to buy tasty Carrot Halwa online How about treating yourself to great-tasting Carrot Halwa? Of course one can make it by buying the ingredients, checking out the recipe, and getting down to making it in your kitchen. But then why go through all that trouble when you can easily order the finest Kerala Carrot […]

Ordering the best masala coffee powder online

Ordering the best masala coffee powder online You may be familiar with masala tea, but how about masala coffee? Kerala being the home to spices is also the place where the best in coffee gets grown, it didn’t take long for the two to mix and become something special. The drinking of coffee infused with […]

How to buy Spice Chocolate Online

How to buy Spice Chocolate Online Rich creamy chocolate infused with select spices is the new trending gourmet dessert. Chocolate infused with the subtle flavors of spices is an experience to be savored with your tongue, mind and heart. The sweetness and the sharp hotness of the spices together are doing a ‘jugalbandi’ one taste […]

Fighting colds with turmeric

Fighting colds with turmeric Catching a common cold is, well, pretty common for kids during the rains. When the sun is up, the humidity and the heat create an environment conducive to the common cold. While a severe bout could require a trip to the doctors, you can help the kids get over milder cold […]

How to use nutmeg at home

How to use nutmeg at home There are many people who purchase ground nutmeg. Probably they don’t know how to grind a whole nutmeg or find it cumbersome. The fact is, whole nutmeg, when stored in the right way can remain fresh for a long time. Especially when you buy nutmeg from a good source […]

The best ways to use bay leaf in cooking

While cooking with bay leaves, it is better to check if you have got the best quality. Since there are other leaves that look like bay leaves which are mildly toxic, it is better to ensure that you are getting your supplies from a reliable source. You can always order fresh bay leaves directly from […]

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